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The Sacred Herb Grimoire

A Mystical Guide to Magical Herbs

Spa Ingredients

A Mystical Guide to Magical Herbs

Welcome to The Sacred Herbal Grimoire, your enchanted gateway to the mystical world of herbs.


🌿✨ Here, you will uncover the metaphysical properties, planetary correspondences, and spiritual uses of nature’s most powerful botanical allies.


From ancient spellwork to modern rituals, herbs have been used for healing, protection, love, prosperity, and divination for centuries. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious seeker, this sacred collection will guide you in harnessing the energetic wisdom of plants.



 How to Use This Grimoire:

  • Browse A-Z to explore herbs and their magical properties.

  • Learn how to incorporate herbs into rituals, teas, incense blends, and sacred offerings.

  • Enhance your practice with insights on elemental energies, deities, and lunar connections.


📜 Step into the world of green magic and let the whispers of the earth guide your craft.


Begin your journey below. 🌙🌱

🌿 The Sacred Herbal Grimoire (A-Z Guide)



🌿 Disclaimer: For Informational & Educational Purposes Only 🌿

The Sacred Herbal Grimoire is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The content on this page, including the metaphysical properties, traditional uses, and suggested applications of herbs, is based on historical, cultural, and spiritual traditions.


🌱 Not Medical Advice: The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using any herbs, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have underlying health conditions, or are taking medications.


🔮 Metaphysical & Spiritual Use: The descriptions of herbal properties are based on folk traditions, spiritual practices, and historical lore. Results may vary, and the effectiveness of herbal magic is subject to personal belief and intention.


🔥 Safe & Responsible Use: Some herbs may be toxic, cause allergic reactions, or interact with medications. Do not ingest or apply any herb without proper research and guidance from a professional herbalist or physician.


✨ A Living, Evolving Grimoire: This is a continually growing and evolving body of work. As new insights emerge and ancient wisdom is uncovered, more herbs, uses, and magical applications will be added over time. This grimoire is a living archive that will expand with deeper knowledge and experience.


By using this site, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions and that the Sacred Herbal Grimoire and its creators are not liable for any misuse or unintended effects of the information provided.


💫 Use wisdom, intuition, and caution on your herbal journey. 🌿✨



  • Acacia: Used in ancient Egyptian rituals for purification and protection.

  • Aconite (Wolfsbane): Associated with protection against werewolves and used in shamanic rituals.

  • Agrimony: Known for dispelling negative energies and breaking hexes.

  • Alder: Used in Celtic rituals for protection and divination.

  • Alfalfa: Associated with prosperity and anti-hunger spells.

  • Aloe Vera: Associated with healing, protection, and luck. Known for its healing properties, Aloe Vera is also used in rituals for protection and luck.

  • Amaranth: Used in healing and protection rituals; symbolizes immortality.

  • Anemone: Associated with protection against evil and illness.

  • Angelica: Used for protection against negative energies and to enhance healing rituals.

  • Angelica Root: Used for protection against negative energies and to enhance healing rituals.

  • Anise: Used to ward off the evil eye and for protection. Employed to ward off the evil eye and in purification rituals.

  • Apple: Symbolizes love, healing, and immortality; used in various rituals.

  • Arnica: Associated with protection and healing, especially in shamanic traditions.

  • Ash: Used for protection, prosperity, and health in various European traditions.

  • Ashwagandha: In Ayurvedic tradition, it enhances vitality and strength.

  • Aspen: Associated with protection against thieves and overcoming fears.

  • Astragalus: Believed to strengthen spiritual defenses and vitality.

  • Avens: Used for protection against evil spirits and negative energies.



  • Balm of Gilead: Used for healing, love, and protection; mentioned in biblical texts.

  • Basil: Symbolizes love, protection, and wealth; used in purification rituals. Often associated with love and protection, basil is used in purification rituals.

  • Bay Laurel: Associated with wisdom, victory, and protection.

  • Bay Leaf: Used for protection, wishes, and divination.

  • Bee Balm: Used to attract bees and promote fertility; associated with healing.

  • Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade): Historically used in witchcraft for its hallucinogenic properties; associated with visions and astral projection.

  • Bergamot: Associated with prosperity and uplifting spirits.

  • Betony: Used to protect against evil spirits and nightmares.

  • Bistort: Associated with psychic powers and fertility rituals.

  • Black Cohosh: Used in love and courage spells.

  • Black Cohosh: Used in love and courage spells.

  • Blackberry: Symbolizes protection and healing; used in Celtic traditions.

  • Blessed Thistle: Used for purification and protection against evil.

  • Bluebell: Associated with fairy magic and used to attract benevolent spirits.

  • Boneset: Used in protection and exorcism rituals; associated with warding off evil.

  • Borage: Known to bring courage and uplift the spirit.

  • Broom: Used for purification and protection; associated with sweeping away negative energies.

  • Burdock: Used for purification and protection against negativity.


  • Cabbage: Symbolizes prosperity and luck; used in money-drawing spells.

  • Calendula (Marigold): Used for protection, prophetic dreams, and legal matters.

  • Caraway: Associated with protection and anti-theft; used in love spells.

  • Cardamom: Used in love spells and to enhance passion; associated with prosperity.

  • Carnation: Symbolizes healing and protection; used in strength rituals.

  • Carob: Used as a chocolate substitute in rituals; symbolizes health and prosperity.

  • Catnip: Attracts positive energies and enhances love spells. Associated with love and happiness, often used in pet-related blessings.

  • Cedar: Purification, protection, and grounding; sacred in many cultures. Used for purification and protection, especially in Native American traditions.

  • Chamomile: Brings peace, love, and purification; used in sleep rituals. Known for its calming effects, it's used in sleep and meditation rituals.

  • Chicory: Used for removing obstacles and obtaining favors; associated with invisibility.

  • Cinnamon: Associated with prosperity, protection, and spiritual awareness. Used to raise spiritual vibrations.

  • Cinquefoil: Used in love, money, and protection spells; symbolizes divine power.

  • Clary Sage: Enhances psychic abilities and is used in meditation.

  • Clove: Used for protection, exorcism, and to attract good luck. Also used to drive away negative forces.

  • Comfrey: Promotes safety during travel and stability. Associated with safety during travel and financial stability.

  • Coriander: Used in love spells and to enhance fertility.

  • Cowslip: Associated with protection and prophetic dreams.



  • Damiana (Turnera diffusa): Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, damiana is believed to enhance love spells and promote lust. It is also associated with visions and psychic abilities

  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Associated with divination, wishes, and calling spirits. The root is used for grounding and enhancing psychic abilities.​

  • Datura (Datura stramonium): Known for its potent hallucinogenic properties, it has been used in shamanic rituals to induce visions and communicate with spirits. However, it is highly toxic and should be handled with extreme caution.

  • Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna): Historically used in witchcraft for astral projection and invoking visions. It is extremely poisonous and should not be used without expert guidance.

  • Devil's Bit Scabious (Succisa pratensis): Believed to offer protection against evil forces and negative energies.​

  • Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens): Used in protection spells and to drive away negative influences.​

  • Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus): Native to North America, it is used for protection, banishing evil, and attracting positive energies.​

  • Devil's Shoestring (Viburnum alnifolium): Carried for protection against negative energies and to bring good luck, especially in gambling.​

  • Dill (Anethum graveolens): Used for protection, luck, and to ward off evil spirits. Placing dill in the home is believed to safeguard against harm.​

  • Dock (Rumex spp.): Associated with healing and protection. It is also used in money-drawing spells.​

  • Dodder (Cuscuta spp.): Used in love spells and to bind relationships.​

  • Dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum): Used for protection and to repel negative energies.​

  • Dogwood (Cornus florida): Symbolizes protection and stability.​

  • Dragon's Blood (Daemonorops draco): A powerful resin used for protection, banishing, and enhancing the potency of spells. It is also used in love rituals.​

  • Dragonhead (Dracocephalum spp.): Associated with protection and invoking dragon energy for strength and courage.​

  • Dropwort (Filipendula vulgaris): Used in love spells and to enhance beauty.​

  • Duckweed (Lemna minor): Believed to attract money and prosperity.​

  • Dulse (Palmaria palmata): A type of seaweed used for invoking sea spirits and enhancing psychic abilities.​

  • Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria): Associated with love and attraction spells.​

  • Dyer's Broom (Genista tinctoria): Used for purification and protection against negativity.​

  • Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria): Associated with protection and purification rituals.​

  • Dyer's Rocket (Reseda luteola): Used in rituals to enhance creativity and inspiration.​

  • Dyer's Woad (Isatis tinctoria): Historically used for protection and to ward off evil spirits.​

  • Dysentery Weed (Polygonum aviculare): Used in protection spells and to promote health.​

  • Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus): A rare herb used for astral projection, divination, and invoking spirits. It is also believed to enhance the manifestation of desires.​

  • Dock (Rumex crispus): Associated with healing and grounding energies.​

  • Daisy (Bellis perennis): Symbolizes innocence and purity; used in love divination and to attract loyal love.​

  • Daphne (Daphne mezereum): Used for protection and to attract love. However, it is toxic and should be handled with care.​

  • Desert Sage (Salvia dorrii): Used for cleansing, protection, and to promote wisdom.​

  • Dewberry (Rubus caesius): Associated with protection and prosperity.



  • Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea): Commonly known as purple coneflower, it has been used for centuries to boost the immune system and ward off infections. Magically, it is believed to strengthen spells and provide protection. ​

  • Elder (Sambucus nigra): Associated with protection, healing, and prosperity. Elderberries and flowers are used in rituals to ward off evil spirits and invite blessings.​

  • Elecampane (Inula helenium): Known as elfdock, it is used for protection and love spells. It is also believed to enhance psychic abilities and attract fae energies.

  • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus): Associated with healing and protection. Its leaves are used to purify spaces and repel negative energies.​

  • Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis): Traditionally used to improve vision, both physically and metaphysically. It is believed to enhance clairvoyance and inner sight.​

  • Elderflower (Sambucus nigra): Used in purification rituals and to promote healing. It is also associated with faerie magic and protection.​

  • Elm (Ulmus spp.): Symbolizes strength and grounding. Elm wood is used in rituals to enhance stability and endurance.​

  • Eryngo (Eryngium spp.): Also known as sea holly, it is used in protection and lust spells. It is believed to ward off negative energies and attract love.​

  • Echinopsis (Echinopsis pachanoi): Known as San Pedro cactus, it has been used in Andean traditional medicine and shamanic rituals for its psychoactive properties, facilitating spiritual journeys. ​

  • Ephedra (Ephedra sinica): Used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years, it is believed to enhance energy and alertness. Magically, it is associated with strength and protection.

  • Eclipta (Eclipta prostrata): Known as false daisy, it is used in traditional medicine to promote hair growth and is associated with lunar energies in magical practices.​

  • Elderberry (Sambucus nigra): Used in protection and healing rituals. Elderberries are believed to ward off evil and bring prosperity.​

  • Enchanter's Nightshade (Circaea lutetiana): Despite its name, it is used for protection and to break hexes. It is believed to dispel negative energies.​

  • Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis): Associated with love and healing. It is used in rituals to attract love and soothe emotional wounds.​

  • Euphorbia (Euphorbia spp.): Known as spurge, it is used for protection and purification. It is believed to ward off evil spirits.​

  • Elder Bark (Sambucus nigra): Used in protection spells and to banish negativity. It is also associated with healing rituals.​

  • Earth Smoke (Fumaria officinalis): Also known as fumitory, it is used for purification and protection. It is believed to drive away evil spirits.​

  • Erythrina (Erythrina herbacea): Known as coral bean, it is used in rituals for protection and to enhance courage.​

  • Elder Wood (Sambucus nigra): Used to make magical tools, it is associated with protection and wisdom.​

  • Eupatorium (Eupatorium perfoliatum): Known as boneset, it is used in healing rituals and to ward off evil spirits.​

  • Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum): Symbolizes courage and devotion. It is used in protection spells and to attract love.​

  • Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus): Also known as Siberian ginseng, it is used to enhance stamina and vitality. Magically, it is associated with strength and perseverance.​

  • Eclipta Alba (Eclipta alba): Used in traditional medicine for liver health, it is also believed to enhance psychic abilities.​

  • Epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides): Used in cleansing rituals to dispel negative energies and protect against evil spirits.​

  • Euphorbia Hirta (Euphorbia hirta): Known as asthma-plant, it is used traditionally in Asia to treat respiratory issues and is believed to provide protection against negative energies.

  • Erythroxylum (Erythroxylum coca): Known as coca, it has traditional uses in South America for stamina and is considered sacred in some cultures.

  • Eschscholzia (Eschscholzia californica): Known as California poppy, it is used as a herbal remedy with sedative properties, aiding in relaxation and sleep

  • Eriodictyon (Eriodictyon crassifolium): Known as yerba santa, it is used by indigenous peoples to treat respiratory issues and is associated with spiritual cleansing.



  • False Unicorn Root (Chamaelirium luteum): Associated with fertility and balancing feminine energies.​

  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare): Used for protection, healing, and purification. In ancient times, it was believed to ward off evil spirits. ​

  • Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum): Associated with money and prosperity spells.​

  • Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium): Traditionally used for protection against fevers and illnesses.​

  • Fig (Ficus carica): Symbolizes fertility and love; used in spells to enhance these aspects.​

  • Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa): Associated with health and protection.​

  • Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium): Used for healing and purification rituals.​

  • Flax (Linum usitatissimum): Associated with money, protection, and beauty spells.​

  • Fo-Ti Root (Polygonum multiflorum): Known for its rejuvenating properties; used in spells for longevity.​

  • Forskohlii (Plectranthus barbatus): Used in rituals to promote weight loss and metabolic balance.​

  • Forsythia Fruit (Forsythia suspensa): Associated with cleansing and purification.​

  • Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea): Traditionally used for protection; however, it is highly toxic and should be handled with care.​

  • Frankincense (Boswellia sacra): Used for protection, purification, and spiritual awareness. Burning it is believed to dispel negativity and evil.​

  • Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis): Associated with purification and protection.

  • Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium): Used for protection against fevers and colds

  • Fern (Polypodiopsida): Associated with rain-making, protection, luck, riches, eternal youth, health, and exorcism

  • Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea): Used for protection.​

  • Fleabane (Erigeron spp.): Associated with exorcism, protection, and chastity.​

  • Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare): Used for protection, healing, and purification.​

  • Fenugreek Seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum): Associated with money and prosperity spells.​

  • Feverfew Herb (Tanacetum parthenium): Used for protection against fevers and illnesses.

  • Figwort Herb (Scrophularia nodosa): Associated with health and protection.​

  • Fireweed Herb (Epilobium angustifolium): Used for healing and purification rituals.​

  • Flax Seed (Linum usitatissimum): Associated with money, protection, and beauty spells.

  • Fo-Ti Root Herb (Polygonum multiflorum): Known for its rejuvenating properties; used in spells for longevity.​

  • Forskohlii Herb (Plectranthus barbatus): Used in rituals to promote weight loss and metabolic balance.

  • Forsythia Fruit Herb (Forsythia suspensa): Associated with cleansing and purification.​

  • Foxglove Herb (Digitalis purpurea): Traditionally used for protection; however, it is highly toxic and should be handled with care.​

  • Frankincense Resin (Boswellia sacra): Used for protection, purification, and spiritual awareness. Burning it is believed to dispel negativity and evil.​

  • Fumitory Herb (Fumaria officinalis): Associated with purification and protection.



  • Galangal (Alpinia officinarum): Used for protection, lust, health, money, psychic powers, and hex-breaking.

  • Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides): Associated with love, peace, healing, and spirituality

  • Garlic (Allium sativum): Known for protection, healing, exorcism, lust, and anti-theft properties.

  • Gentian (Gentiana lutea): Used for love and power.

  • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): Associated with fertility, health, love, and protection.

  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Used for love, money, success, and power.

  • Ginseng (Panax ginseng): Known for love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection, and lust.

  • Goat's Rue (Galega officinalis): Associated with healing and health

  • Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea): Used for money and divination. ​

  • Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis): Known for healing and money properties. ​

  • Gorse (Ulex europaeus): Associated with protection and money. ​

  • Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica): Used for meditation.

  • Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea): Traditionally used as a "lung herb" and for expectorant and astringent properties.

  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba): Used to treat asthma, bronchitis, fatigue, Alzheimer's, and tinnitus.

  • Gum Arabic (Acacia senegal): Used as a binder in incense and for protection and purification.​

  • Galbanum (Ferula gummosa): Associated with protection, spirituality, and purification.​

  • Grains of Paradise (Aframomum melegueta): Used for lust, luck, love, money, and wishes.​

  • Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus): Associated with protection and love.​

  • Gum Mastic (Pistacia lentiscus): Used for psychic powers, manifestation, and lust.​

  • Gum Benzoin (Styrax benzoin): Associated with purification, prosperity, and astral projection.​

  • Gromwell (Lithospermum officinale): Used for protection and to attract money.​

  • Gravel Root (Eupatorium purpureum): Associated with protection and money.​

  • Green Tea (Camellia sinensis): Used for purification and strength.​

  • Guarana (Paullinia cupana): Associated with energy and lust.​

  • Guava (Psidium guajava): Used for love, lust, and divination.​

  • Guggul (Commiphora mukul): Associated with purification and protection.​

  • Gum Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer): Used as a binder in incense and for protection.​

  • Guinea Pepper (Xylopia aethiopica): Associated with protection and hex-breaking.

  • Guinea Hen Weed (Petiveria alliacea): Used for protection and to repel negativity.​

  • Ginseng, Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus): Known for enhancing stamina and vitality.



  • Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna): Associated with protection, love, and marriage. It is believed to guard against evil spirits and is often used in wedding blessings.​

  • Heather (Calluna vulgaris): Symbolizes luck and protection. It is used to attract good fortune and to provide spiritual protection.​

  • Heliotrope (Heliotropium arborescens): Associated with devotion and healing. It is believed to enhance psychic abilities and bring prophetic dreams.​

  • Hellebore (Helleborus niger): Used for protection and to banish negative energies. Historically, it was believed to ward off evil spirits.​

  • Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger): Historically used in magic brews for its psychoactive properties, including visual hallucinations and sensations of flight. It was also used as an anesthetic potion.

  • Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis): Symbolizes love and passion. It is used in love spells and to attract romantic partners.​

  • Holly (Ilex aquifolium): Represents protection and luck. It is believed to guard against evil and is used in rituals for consecration and protection.​

  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum): Associated with prosperity and psychic powers. It is believed to enhance intuition and attract wealth.​

  • Hops (Humulus lupulus): Used for healing and sleep. It is believed to promote restful sleep and is used in dream pillows.​

  • Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): Symbolizes protection and mental clarity. It is used to clear negative energies and improve mental focus.​

  • Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum): Associated with money and healing. It is believed to attract financial abundance and provide protection.​

  • Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana): Used for purification and protection. It is believed to cleanse spaces of negativity and protect against evil influences.​

  • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense): Symbolizes fertility and longevity. It is used in rituals to promote fertility and strengthen connections to the earth.​

  • Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis): Associated with peace and protection. It is believed to promote peaceful sleep and protect against nightmares.​

  • Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla): Used for hex-breaking and protection. It is believed to shield against negative energies and unwanted influences.​

  • Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis): Known for its purifying properties, it is used in cleansing rituals and to promote spiritual purification.​

  • Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): Associated with protection and mental clarity. It is believed to ward off negative energies and enhance mental focus.​

  • Hops (Humulus lupulus): Used for healing and sleep. It is believed to promote restful sleep and is often included in dream pillows.​

  • Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna): Symbolizes protection and love. It is used in rituals to safeguard the home and heart.​

  • Heather (Calluna vulgaris): Associated with luck and protection. It is believed to attract good fortune and provide spiritual protection.​

  • Heliotrope (Heliotropium arborescens): Used for devotion and healing. It is believed to enhance psychic abilities and bring prophetic dreams.​

  • Hellebore (Helleborus niger): Associated with protection and banishing negativity. Historically, it was used to ward off evil spirits.​

  • Henna (Lawsonia inermis): Symbolizes joy and beauty. It is used in body art for protection and to attract positive energies.​

  • Himalayan Salt (Halite): Used for purification and protection. It is believed to cleanse spaces of negativity and promote spiritual well-being.​

  • Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): Known for protection and mental clarity. It is used to clear negative energies and improve mental focus.​

  • Hops (Humulus lupulus): Associated with healing and sleep. It is believed to promote restful sleep and is used in dream pillows.​

  • Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): Symbolizes protection and mental clarity. It is used to clear negative energies and improve mental focus.​

  • Hops (Humulus lupulus): Used for healing and sleep. It is believed to promote restful sleep and is included in dream pillows.​

  • Horehound (Marrubium vulgare): Associated with protection and mental clarity. It is believed to ward off negative energies and enhance mental focus.​

  • Hops (Humulus lupulus): Used for healing and sleep. It is believed to promote restful sleep and is often included in dream pillows.



  • Jasmine (Jasminum officinale): Associated with love, money, and prophetic dreams. Its fragrant flowers are often used in love spells and to induce restful sleep with insightful dreams.

  • Juniper (Juniperus communis): Used for protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, and health. The berries are believed to ward off negative energies and are used in purification rituals.

  • Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum): Associated with love and respect. Traditionally used to attract love and strengthen social connections. ​

  • Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis): Symbolizes healing and love. The oil extracted from its seeds is used in beauty and healing rituals.​

  • Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum): Used in protection and hex-breaking spells. It is believed to ward off negative influences.​

  • Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum): Associated with divination and communication. Used to enhance psychic abilities and spiritual communication.​

  • Jasmine Rice (Oryza sativa): Symbolizes prosperity and abundance. Used in rituals to attract wealth and fertility.​

  • Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis): Known for its protective qualities. Used to ward off evil spirits and negativity.​

  • Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium): Historically used for protection and hex-breaking. Caution is advised due to its toxic nature.​

  • Jin Bu Huan (Lycopodium japonicum):Used in traditional Chinese medicine for pain relief and sedation.

  • Joss Flower (Gardenia jasminoides): Symbolizes peace and spirituality. Used in rituals to promote harmony and spiritual growth.

  • Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba): Used in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate stress and for sedation. The fruit is also believed to have protective properties.

  • Juneberry (Amelanchier spp.): Associated with love and healing. The berries are used in rituals to strengthen relationships and promote health.​

  • Jungle Geranium (Ixora coccinea): Symbolizes passion and prosperity. Used in love spells and to attract wealth.​

  • Jupiter's Beard (Centranthus ruber): Associated with protection and prosperity. Used to guard against negative energies and attract abundance.​

  • Justicia (Justicia pectoralis): Known for its calming properties. Used in rituals to promote relaxation and peace.​

  • Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica): Symbolizes resilience and protection. Used to overcome obstacles and protect against harm.​

  • Jamaican Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula): Used for its calming and pain-relieving properties. Incorporated into rituals for peace and healing.​

  • Jasmine Sambac (Jasminum sambac): Associated with purity and sensuality. Used in rituals to attract spiritual love and enhance meditation.​

  • Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum): Symbolizes grace and beauty. Used in rituals to promote balance and aesthetic appreciation.​

  • Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus): Associated with fertility and grounding. Used to promote connection to the earth and enhance fertility.​

  • Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus): Symbolizes abundance and nourishment. Used in rituals to attract prosperity and sustenance.​

  • Jasmine Nightshade (Solanum jasminoides): Associated with protection and intuition. Used to enhance psychic abilities and guard against harm.​

  • Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica): Symbolizes sweetness and affection. Used in love spells and to attract positive energy.​

  • Jungle Flame (Ixora coccinea): Associated with passion and energy. Used to ignite enthusiasm and strengthen love.​

  • Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus): Known for its healing properties. Used in rituals to promote health and well-being.​

  • Jamaican Pepper (Pimenta dioica): Symbolizes warmth and protection. Used to spice up love spells and ward off negativity.​

  • Japanese Yew (Taxus cuspidata): Associated with immortality and regeneration. Used in rituals to promote longevity and renewal.​

  • Jungle Jalebi (Pithecellobium dulce): Symbolizes sweetness and attraction. Used in love spells and to draw in positive influences.



  • Lavender: (Lavandula angustifolia) Known for its calming properties, it's used in love and healing rituals.​ Love, healing, relaxation, peace, purification, psychic abilities. Placed under pillows for prophetic dreams, used in love spells to attract genuine affection, and burned to calm emotional turmoil.

  • Lemon Balm: (Melissa officinalis) Associated with healing and success, it's used to attract love.​ Used in teas for emotional healing, added to baths to remove sorrow, and placed around the home for joy and protection.

  • Lemongrass: (Cymbopogon citratus) Use to repel negativity.​ Purification, protection, luck, clarity, psychic awareness. Burned as incense for spiritual clarity, placed under the bed to ward off nightmares, and used in cleansing sprays for home purification.

  • Licorice Root: (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Employed in love and lust spells.​Love, passion, domination, prosperity, protection. Chewed for persuasive speech, added to love potions, and carried in mojo bags for influence and success.

  • Linden: (Tilia europaea) : Protection, immortality, love, peace, dream work. Associated with protection and immortality.​

  • Lotus: (Nelumbo nucifera) Spiritual enlightenment, purity, wisdom, renewal, love. Used in tea for spiritual awakening, placed in bathwater for renewal, and burned as incense to enhance meditative states.

  • Lovage: (Levisticum officinale) Used to attract love and enhance psychic abilities.​  Love, psychic enhancement, luck, purification. Added to baths for love and beauty, carried in sachets for personal magnetism, and burned for purification​​. Added to baths for love and beauty, carried in sachets for personal magnetism, and burned for purification.



  • Mace (Myristica fragrans): Associated with psychic powers and mental clarity; used to enhance divination practices.​

  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): Used for protection, healing, and enhancing psychic abilities; often employed in dream work and astral projection. ​Wikipedia

  • Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum): Known for protection, love, and fertility; historically used in various magical rituals.​

  • Marigold (Tagetes spp.): Used for protection, prophetic dreams, and legal matters; believed to strengthen the heart and spirit.​

  • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria): Associated with love, peace, and happiness; used in love spells and to promote tranquility.​

  • Mint (Mentha spp.): Used for prosperity, protection, and healing; believed to attract wealth and clear negative energies.​

  • Mistletoe (Viscum album): Associated with protection, love, and fertility; considered a sacred plant in various traditions.​

  • Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha): Used for protection, exorcism, and healing; often burned as incense to purify spaces.​

  • Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): Associated with courage, protection, and health; used to ward off evil spirits and negative energies.​

  • Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca): Used for protection and to promote peace; believed to ease emotional turmoil and anxiety.​

  • Marjoram (Origanum majorana): Associated with protection, love, and happiness; used to dispel grief and promote joy.​

  • Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum): Used for protection and healing; believed to cleanse and strengthen the liver.​

  • Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin): Associated with protection and purification; used to dispel negative energies and promote spiritual growth.​

  • Mustard Seed (Brassica nigra): Used for protection and mental clarity; believed to ward off negative influences and enhance wisdom.​

  • Mulberry (Morus spp.): Associated with wisdom and protection; used in rituals to enhance knowledge and safeguard against harm.​

  • Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora): Used for fidelity and love; believed to ensure a faithful and enduring relationship.​

  • Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris): Associated with beauty and love; used in spells to attract admiration and affection.​

  • Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas): Used for luck and love; believed to attract prosperity and enhance romantic endeavors.​

  • Mallow (Malva sylvestris): Associated with love and protection; used to soothe and heal emotional wounds.​

  • Maple (Acer spp.): Used for love and longevity; believed to attract sweet and enduring relationships.​

  • Marjoram (Origanum majorana): Associated with protection, love, and happiness; used to dispel grief and promote joy.​

  • Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium): Used for strength and protection; believed to enhance courage and safeguard against harm.​

  • Mastic (Pistacia lentiscus): Associated with psychic powers and manifestation; used in rituals to realize desires and enhance intuition.​

  • Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum): Used for money and prosperity; believed to attract wealth and financial success.​

  • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria): Associated with love, peace, and happiness; used in love spells and to promote tranquility.​

  • Mesquite (Prosopis spp.): Used for healing and protection; believed to provide strength and resilience.​

  • Mint (Mentha spp.): Used for prosperity, protection, and healing; believed to attract wealth and clear negative energies.​

  • Mistletoe (Viscum album): Associated with protection, love, and fertility; considered a sacred plant in various traditions.​

  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): Used for protection, healing, and enhancing psychic abilities; often employed in dream work and astral projection.​

  • Mulberry (Morus spp.): Associated with wisdom and protection; used in rituals to enhance knowledge and safeguard against harm.




  • Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus): Associated with protection and bringing vibrant energy into one's life. It's also used to enhance creativity and stimulate the mind.​

  • Nettle (Urtica dioica): Used for protection, healing, and exorcism; believed to ward off negativity and danger.​

  • Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans): Associated with luck, money, and health; used to attract prosperity and enhance well-being.​

  • Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia): Used for purification and protection; believed to cleanse spaces and repel negative energies.​

  • Nigella (Nigella sativa): Also known as black cumin or kalonji, Nigella seeds are used for protection, healing, and to dispel negative energy. They are believed to bring prosperity and are often used in amulets.

  • Narcissus (Narcissus spp.): Associated with clarity and inspiration; used to enhance creativity and inner vision.​

  • Neem (Azadirachta indica): Used for purification and healing; believed to cleanse the body and spirit of impurities.​

  • Neroli (Citrus aurantium): Associated with love and happiness; used to calm the mind and attract positive energies.​

  • Nettle (Urtica dioica): Used for protection, healing

  • Noni (Morinda citrifolia): Traditionally used for healing and strengthening the body's vital energies. It's believed to enhance spiritual growth and protect against negative influences. ​

  • Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla): Associated with protection and anti-hunger; used to ward off negative energies and promote sustenance.





  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare): Used for protection, happiness, and letting go of past attachments; believed to bring joy and tranquility.​

  • Orris Root (Iris germanica): Associated with love, protection, and divination; often used in sachets and powders to attract love and enhance psychic abilities.​

  • Olive (Olea europaea): Symbolizes peace, fertility, and potency; used in rituals for healing and balance.​

  • Osha Root (Ligusticum porteri): Known for protection and purification; used to ward off negative influences and for spiritual cleansing.​

  • Ox-Eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare): Associated with love and divination; used in love charms and to reveal truths.​

  • Oat Straw (Avena sativa): Used for prosperity and abundance; believed to attract wealth and enhance health.​

  • Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium): Associated with strength and protection; used to boost courage and safeguard against harm.​

  • Osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans): Symbolizes love and romance; used in love spells and to attract a soulmate.​

  • Onion (Allium cepa): Used for protection and exorcism; believed to absorb negative energies and ward off evil spirits.​

  • Orange Peel (Citrus sinensis): Associated with love, divination, and luck; used to attract prosperity and in love charms.​

  • Orach (Atriplex hortensis): Used for protection and wealth; believed to attract abundance and shield from negativity.​

  • Oxlip (Primula elatior): Associated with luck and protection; used in charms to bring good fortune.​

  • Orach Root (Atriplex spp.): Used for grounding and stability; believed to connect one to the earth and provide balance.​

  • Oregano, Mexican (Lippia graveolens): Similar to common oregano, used for protection and cleansing; believed to purify spaces and repel negativity.​

  • Osha (Ligusticum porteri): Known as bear root, used for protection and healing; believed to connect with bear energy for strength.​

  • Oxalis (Oxalis spp.): Associated with joy and luck; used to attract happiness and good fortune.​

  • Oat (Avena sativa): Symbolizes prosperity and abundance; used in rituals to attract wealth and health.​

  • Old Man's Beard (Clematis vitalba): Used for protection and banishing; believed to ward off unwanted entities.​

  • Orange Blossom (Citrus sinensis): Associated with love and fertility; used in weddings and love charms.​

  • Oxlip, False (Primula veris): Used for luck and protection; believed to bring good fortune and safeguard against harm.​

  • Orach, Red (Atriplex hortensis var. rubra): Used for prosperity and grounding; believed to attract wealth and provide stability.​

  • Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera): Associated with protection and repelling pests; used to safeguard homes.​

  • Oregano, Cuban (Plectranthus amboinicus): Used for protection and prosperity; believed to attract wealth and shield from harm.​

  • Orach, Mountain (Atriplex confertifolia): Used for grounding and resilience; believed to provide strength and stability.​

  • Ox-Tongue (Helminthotheca echioides): Associated with protection and courage; used to boost bravery and safeguard against negativity.​

  • Oregano, Greek (Origanum heracleoticum): Used for joy and tranquility; believed to bring happiness and peace.​

  • Orach, White (Atriplex hortensis var. alba): Used for purity and protection; believed to cleanse spaces and shield from harm.​

  • Oswego Tea (Monarda didyma): Associated with health and vitality; used to boost energy and well-being.​

  • Oxalis, Pink (Oxalis debilis): Used for love and luck; believed to attract romance and good fortune.



  • Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens): Known for purification and protection; burned to cleanse spaces and invite positive energies.

  • Papaya Leaf (Carica papaya): Used for protection, prosperity, and fertility; believed to attract abundance and aid in healing.

  • Parsley (Petroselinum crispum): Associated with protection and purification; used to ward off negativity and cleanse spaces.

  • Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa): Associated with prosperity and grounding; used in rituals for stability and financial success.

  • Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata): Used for peace, sleep, and friendship; believed to calm the mind and strengthen bonds.

  • Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin): Associated with love, wealth, and grounding; used in rituals to attract prosperity and enhance sensuality.

  • Peach Leaf (Prunus persica): Used in love and fertility magic; believed to bring romantic success and promote happiness.

  • Peppercorn (Piper nigrum): Used for protection and banishing negativity; often added to spells to break curses or repel unwanted influences.

  • Peppermint (Mentha × piperita): Used for purification, healing, and psychic enhancement; believed to clear the mind and attract positive energies.

  • Pelargonium (Pelargonium spp.): Used for love and healing; believed to strengthen relationships and enhance emotional well-being.

  • Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium): Associated with protection and strength; used to ward off negativity and boost courage.

  • Periwinkle (Vinca minor): Used for protection and love; believed to safeguard relationships and attract harmony.

  • Persimmon (Diospyros spp.): Associated with love, luck, and healing; used in charms to attract romance and fortune.

  • Pine (Pinus spp.): Symbolizes purification, protection, and prosperity; used to cleanse spaces and attract abundance.

  • Pistachio (Pistacia vera): Associated with longevity and vitality; used in rituals for strength and resilience.

  • Plantain (Plantago major): Used for healing and strength; believed to protect travelers and promote endurance.

  • Plum (Prunus domestica): Symbolizes love and wisdom; used in spells to deepen relationships and enhance intuition.

  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum): Associated with fertility, protection, and abundance; often used in rituals honoring divine femininity.

  • Pond Lily (Nymphaea odorata): Used for tranquility, psychic abilities, and dream magic; enhances deep meditation.

  • Poppy (Papaver somniferum): Used for love, sleep, and dream magic; enhances visions and deepens meditative states.

  • Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum): Associated with protection and personal power; used to strengthen the will and ward off negativity.

  • Primrose (Primula vulgaris): Symbolizes youth, beauty, and love; used in love spells and fairy magic.

  • Prostrate Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare): Used for protection and resilience; believed to increase endurance and overcome obstacles.

  • Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita pepo): Used for prosperity and fertility; believed to enhance abundance and good luck.

  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): Used for healing, immunity, and spiritual protection; strengthens resilience.

  • Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria): Associated with peace and balance; used in spells for emotional harmony.

  • Purslane (Portulaca oleracea): Used for strength and protection; believed to attract luck and success.

  • Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium): Associated with protection and warding off pests; used to purify spaces.



  • Quassia (Quassia amara): Associated with love magic; traditionally used to attract romantic partners. ​

  • Quassia Bark (Picrasma excelsa): Used for purification and to repel negative energies; often incorporated into cleansing rituals.​

  • Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota): Associated with fertility and protection; used in spells to enhance fertility and safeguard against negativity.​

  • Queen of the Meadow (Filipendula ulmaria): Also known as meadowsweet, it's associated with love, peace, and happiness; used in love spells and rituals promoting tranquility.​

  • Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides): Symbolizes communication and overcoming fear; used to enhance communication skills and courage.​

  • Quaking Grass (Briza media): Associated with protection and calming; used to dispel negative energies and promote serenity.​

  • Quassia Wood (Quassia amara): Used in love and attraction spells; believed to draw romantic partners and enhance desirability.​

  • Quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco): Associated with strength and endurance; used to boost physical vitality and resilience.​Annie's Remedy

  • Quenepa (Melicoccus bijugatus): Also known as Spanish lime, it's associated with love and fertility; used in rituals to enhance romantic relationships and promote fertility.​

  • Quercus (Quercus spp.): Commonly known as oak, it's associated with strength, protection, and longevity; used in rituals to invoke stability and endurance.​

  • Quillaja (Quillaja saponaria): Known as soapbark tree, it's used for purification and cleansing; incorporated into rituals to purify spaces and individuals.​

  • Quillwort (Isoetes spp.): Associated with protection and grounding; used to anchor energies and provide stability.​

  • Quince (Cydonia oblonga): Symbolizes protection, love, and happiness; used in spells to safeguard relationships and promote joy. ​

  • Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa): Associated with prosperity and abundance; used in rituals to attract wealth and success.​

  • Quitoco (Solanum quitoco): Used in traditional medicine and associated with healing and protection; incorporated into rituals aiming to heal and shield from harm.​

  • Quisqualis (Quisqualis indica): Also known as Rangoon creeper, it's associated with love and passion; used in spells to ignite romantic feelings and deepen connections.​

  • Quaking Poplar (Populus tremuloides): Symbolizes courage and communication; used to overcome fears and enhance expressive abilities.​

  • Quassia Extract (Quassia amara): Used for purification and love-drawing spells; believed to cleanse negative energies and attract affection.​

  • Quillwort Fern (Isoetes spp.): Associated with resilience and protection; used to bolster strength and safeguard against adversity.​

  • Quenouille (Typha latifolia): Also known as cattail, it's associated with prosperity and protection; used in rituals to attract wealth and provide shielding from harm.​

  • Quassia Chips (Quassia amara): Used in love and purification rituals; believed to attract romantic partners and cleanse spaces of negativity.​

  • Quaking Grass Seeds (Briza media): Associated with calmness and protection; used to promote serenity and ward off negative influences.​

  • Quillaja Bark (Quillaja saponaria): Used for cleansing and purification; incorporated into rituals to purify and protect.​

  • Quassia Powder (Quassia amara): Associated with love and purification; used in spells to attract affection and cleanse energies.​

  • Quenep (Melicoccus bijugatus): Symbolizes love and fertility; used in rituals to enhance romantic relationships and promote fertility.​

  • Quercetin Herb (Various spp.): Associated with healing and protection; used to boost health and safeguard against harm.​

  • Quillwort Plant (Isoetes spp.): Symbolizes stability and grounding; used to anchor energies and provide balance.​

  • Quassia Root (Quassia amara): Used in love-drawing and purification rituals; believed to attract love and cleanse negative energies.​

  • Quince Seed (Cydonia oblonga): Associated with love and protection; used in spells to safeguard relationships and promote affection.​

  • Quillaja Saponaria (Quillaja saponaria): Known as soapbark, it's used for cleansing and purification; incorporated into rituals to purify spaces and individuals.​



  • Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris): Associated with protection and courage; used in rituals to safeguard against negative influences and to bolster bravery.​

  • Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus): Symbolizes protection and love; used in fertility and pregnancy-related rituals, believed to ease childbirth and strengthen maternal bonds.​

  • Red Clover (Trifolium pratense): Associated with protection, love, and fidelity; used in rituals to attract a faithful partner and to ward off negative energies.​

  • Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus): Used for purification, protection, and spiritual practices; believed to enhance meditation and connect with the divine.​

  • Red Willow Bark (Salix laevigata): Associated with healing and love; used in rituals to mend broken hearts and to promote emotional well-being.​

  • Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum): Known as the "Mushroom of Immortality," associated with longevity, healing, and spiritual potency; used to enhance meditation and spiritual awareness.​

  • Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum): Associated with protection and fidelity; used in spells to maintain loyalty in relationships and to safeguard against negative influences.​

  • Rice (Oryza sativa): Symbolizes prosperity, fertility, and protection; used in rituals to attract abundance and to bless unions.​

  • Rock Rose (Cistus ladanifer): Associated with protection and courage; used in rituals to dispel fear and to strengthen resolve.​

  • Rose (Rosa spp.): Symbolizes love, beauty, and passion; used in love spells, rituals of affection, and to enhance beauty.​

  • Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): Associated with love and protection; used to attract affection and to shield against negative energies.​

  • Rose Hips (Rosa canina): Symbolizes love and healing; used in rituals to mend emotional wounds and to attract new love.​

  • Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus): Associated with remembrance, protection, and purification; used to enhance memory, cleanse spaces, and ward off negative energies.​

  • Rue (Ruta graveolens): Known as the "Herb of Grace," associated with protection, purification, and healing; used to ward off the evil eye and to cleanse spaces of negativity. ​Wikipedia

  • Rupturewort (Herniaria glabra): Associated with healing and protection; used in rituals to mend physical and emotional wounds and to safeguard against harm.​

  • Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia): Symbolizes protection and purification; used to cleanse spaces and to ward off negative energies.​

  • Rye (Secale cereale): Associated with prosperity and protection; used in rituals to attract abundance and to safeguard resources.​

  • Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia): Associated with protection and resilience; used in rituals to overcome obstacles and to strengthen determination.​

  • Rain Tree (Samanea saman): Symbolizes fertility and abundance; used in rituals to attract prosperity and to promote growth.​

  • Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium): Associated with protection and healing; used in rituals to guard against harm and to promote recovery.​

  • Red Clover (Trifolium pratense): Symbolizes protection, love, and prosperity; used in rituals to attract wealth and to safeguard relationships.​

  • Red Root (Ceanothus americanus): Associated with purification and protection; used to cleanse spaces and to ward off negative influences.​

  • Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber): Symbolizes love and harmony; used in rituals to attract affection and to promote peace.​

  • Resurrection Plant (Selaginella lepidophylla): Associated with renewal and resilience; used in rituals to overcome adversity and to promote new beginnings.​

  • Rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.): Symbolizes caution and protection; used in rituals to ward off deception and to safeguard against harm.​

  • Rock Samphire (Crithmum maritimum): Associated with protection and courage; used in rituals to bolster bravery and to safeguard travelers.​

  • Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile): Symbolizes peace and purification; used in rituals to calm the mind and to cleanse spaces.​

  • Rose of Sharon (Hypericum calycinum): Associated with love and healing; used in rituals to mend relationships and to promote emotional well-being.​

  • Rue Anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides): Symbolizes protection and healing; used in rituals to safeguard against harm and to promote recovery.




  • Sage (Salvia officinalis): Used for purification, wisdom, longevity, and spiritual protection.

  • Sandalwood (Santalum album): Associated with spiritual awareness, protection, and enhancing meditation.

  • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): Used for happiness, protection, and dispelling depression or negative energies.

  • Star Anise (Illicium verum): Enhances psychic awareness, promotes prophetic dreams, and attracts luck.

  • Sunflower (Helianthus annuus): Represents happiness, fertility, and spiritual connection to the sun’s energy.

  • Spearmint (Mentha spicata): Used for healing, mental clarity, and attracting love.

  • Saffron (Crocus sativus): Enhances love, strength, and psychic abilities; also associated with joy and prosperity.

  • Sassafras (Sassafras albidum): Used in money-drawing spells and to attract good health and fortune.

  • Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): Promotes relaxation, peace, and fidelity; used in sleep and meditation rituals.

  • Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra): Used to halt gossip and slander; also associated with protection and soothing energies.

  • Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi): Associated with love, devotion, and enhancing spiritual practices.

  • Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum): Used for protection, cleansing, and invoking blessings.

  • Sorrel (Rumex acetosa): Associated with healing, prosperity, and protection; also used in lunar magic.

  • Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris): Used for healing, protection, and strengthening the spirit.

  • Senna (Senna alexandrina): Used in purification rituals and to cleanse negative energies.

  • Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris): Associated with healing, protection, and stopping bleeding.

  • Sarsaparilla (Smilax ornata): Used for health, love, and money-drawing spells.

  • Seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus): Associated with prosperity, protection, and connecting with ocean energies.




  • Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare): Associated with protection and longevity; used to ward off negative energies and promote a long, healthy life.​

  • Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus): Symbolizes lasting interest; used in love spells to ignite enduring passion.​

  • Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia): Known for purification and protection; used to cleanse spaces and repel negative influences.​

  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris): Associated with courage and purification; used to cleanse spaces and bolster bravery.​

  • Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris): Used for protection and to break hexes; believed to dispel negative spells and safeguard the user.​

  • Tormentil (Potentilla erecta): Associated with protection and grounding; used to stabilize emotions and protect against negative energies.​

  • Tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer): Used as a binding agent in incense and spells; believed to enhance the potency of magical workings.​

  • Trefoil (Trifolium spp.): Symbolizes luck and protection; used in charms to attract good fortune and ward off evil.​

  • Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum): Associated with healing and protection; used in rituals to promote health and safeguard against harm.​

  • Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa): Symbolizes peace and serenity; used in rituals to calm the mind and promote restful sleep.​

  • Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum): Known as holy basil, associated with purification and protection; used to cleanse spaces and invite divine blessings.​

  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Associated with purification and prosperity; used to cleanse spaces and attract wealth.​

  • Turnera diffusa (Damiana): Known for its aphrodisiac properties; used to enhance love and passion.​

  • Tansy Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris): Used for protection and to ward off evil; believed to repel negative entities.​

  • Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum): Associated with healing and protection; used in rituals to promote recovery and safeguard against harm.​

  • Thistle (Cirsium spp.): Symbolizes protection and resilience; used to ward off negativity and promote strength.​

  • Thyme-leaved Sandwort (Arenaria serpyllifolia): Associated with humility and simplicity; used in rituals to promote modesty and clarity.​

  • Tickseed (Coreopsis spp.): Symbolizes love and cheerfulness; used to attract affection and uplift the spirit.​

  • Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus): Associated with fertility and prosperity; used in rituals to promote abundance and growth.​

  • Toadstool (Amanita muscaria): Used in shamanic practices for vision quests; believed to enhance spiritual journeys.​

  • Tonka Bean (Dipteryx odorata): Symbolizes love and luck; used in charms to attract romance and good fortune.​

  • Toothwort (Lathraea squamaria): Associated with healing and protection; used in rituals to promote health and safeguard against illness.​

  • Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens spp.): Symbolizes protection and caution; used to ward off unwanted advances and negative energies.​

  • Tragopogon (Tragopogon pratensis): Associated with transformation and new beginnings; used in rituals to promote change and growth.​

  • Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima): Symbolizes resilience and vitality; used to promote strength and endurance.​

  • Trillium Erectum (Red Trillium): Associated with birth and healing; used in rituals to promote new beginnings and recovery.​

  • Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans): Symbolizes fame and recognition; used to attract attention and success.​

  • Tumbleweed (Amaranthus albus): Associated with freedom and movement; used in rituals to promote adaptability and change.​

  • Turmeric Root (Curcuma longa): Used for purification and prosperity; believed to cleanse spaces and attract wealth.​

  • Twinflower (Linnaea borealis): Symbolizes love and devotion; used in rituals to strengthen relationships and promote harmony.











  • Udo (Aralia cordata): Associated with protection and prosperity; used in rituals to attract wealth and safeguard against negative energies.​

  • Ulex (Ulex europaeus): Also known as gorse, symbolizes hope and protection; used to attract good fortune and shield against harm.​

  • Ulmaria (Filipendula ulmaria): Commonly known as meadowsweet, associated with love and peace; used in love spells and rituals promoting tranquility.​

  • Ulmus (Ulmus spp.): Known as elm, symbolizes strength and intuition; used to enhance dreams and connect with the subconscious.​

  • Umbrella Leaf (Diphylleia cymosa): Associated with protection and concealment; used in rituals to hide one's intentions and safeguard against negativity.​

  • Uña de Gato (Uncaria tomentosa): Also known as cat's claw, symbolizes healing and spiritual connection; used to enhance spiritual awareness and promote health.​

  • Unicorn Root (Aletris farinosa): Associated with protection and purification; used in rituals to cleanse spaces and protect against negative influences.​

  • Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum): Symbolizes luck and protection; used in spells to attract good fortune and safeguard against harm.​

  • Upright Hedge Parsley (Torilis japonica): Associated with protection and health; used in rituals to promote well-being and shield against negativity.​

  • Upright Pellitory (Parietaria officinalis): Symbolizes health and protection; used to promote healing and safeguard against illness.​

  • Usnea (Usnea spp.): Also known as old man's beard, associated with protection and healing; used in rituals to cleanse and protect against negative energies.​

  • Uva-Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi): Known as bearberry, symbolizes psychic work and protection; used to enhance psychic abilities and protect against harm.​

  • Uzara Root (Xysmalobium undulatum): Associated with protection and healing; used in rituals to promote health and safeguard against negative influences.​

  • Upland Boneset (Eupatorium sessilifolium): Symbolizes protection and healing; used to ward off illness and promote recovery.​

  • Umbrella Sedge (Cyperus alternifolius): Associated with protection and purification; used in rituals to cleanse spaces and shield against negativity.​

  • Upland Larkspur (Delphinium exaltatum): Symbolizes protection and joy; used to attract happiness and safeguard against negative energies.​

  • Umbrella Plant (Darmera peltata): Associated with protection and grounding; used to stabilize energies and protect against negativity.​

  • Upland White Aster (Solidago ptarmicoides): Symbolizes protection and clarity; used to clear the mind and protect against negative thoughts.​

  • Uraria (Uraria picta): Associated with protection and healing; used in rituals to promote health and safeguard against harm.​

  • Urena (Urena lobata): Symbolizes protection and love; used to attract affection and protect against negative influences.​

  • Urospermum (Urospermum dalechampii): Associated with protection and prosperity; used to attract wealth and safeguard against harm.​

  • Urn Plant (Aechmea fasciata): Symbolizes protection and beauty; used to enhance attractiveness and protect against negative energies.​

  • Usambara Violet (Saintpaulia spp.): Also known as African violet, associated with spirituality and protection; used to enhance spiritual practices and safeguard against harm.​

  • Utricularia (Utricularia spp.): Known as bladderwort, symbolizes protection and adaptability; used to promote flexibility and protect against negative influences.​

  • Uva-Crispa (Ribes uva-crispa): Also known as gooseberry, associated with protection and prosperity; used to attract wealth and protect against harm.​

  • Uvularia (Uvularia grandiflora): Known as merrybells, symbolizes joy and protection; used to promote happiness and safeguard against negativity.​

  • Ulexite (Ulexite mineral): Associated with vision and intuition; used to enhance psychic abilities and promote clarity.​

  • Umbrella Magnolia (Magnolia tripetala): Symbolizes protection and beauty; used to enhance attractiveness and protect against negative energies.​

  • Upland Cress (Barbarea verna): Associated with protection and health; used to promote well-being and safeguard against harm.​





  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis): Associated with sleep, peace, and protection; used to promote restful sleep, calm anxiety, and safeguard against negative energies. ​

  • Vervain (Verbena officinalis): Symbolizes purification, protection, and love; used in rituals to cleanse spaces, attract love, and enhance creative expression. ​

  • Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides): Associated with grounding, protection, and prosperity; used to stabilize emotions, shield against negativity, and attract financial success.​

  • Viburnum (Viburnum spp.): Symbolizes protection and healing; used in rituals to safeguard against harm and promote physical and emotional well-being.​

  • Violet (Viola odorata): Associated with love, protection, and luck; used to attract romance, safeguard against evil, and bring about good fortune.​

  • Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia): Symbolizes protection and prosperity; used to create a shield against negativity and attract wealth.​

  • Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus): Associated with chastity, purification, and healing; used to promote celibacy, cleanse spaces, and balance hormones.​

  • Vervain Mallow (Malva alcea): Symbolizes protection and love; used in rituals to attract affection and safeguard against negative influences.​

  • Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia): Associated with love, lust, and mental clarity; used to enhance romantic desires, stimulate the senses, and improve cognitive functions.​

  • Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti): Symbolizes protection and divination; used to shield against negative energies and enhance psychic abilities.​

  • Verbascum (Verbascum thapsus): Associated with courage, protection, and health; used to boost bravery, safeguard against harm, and promote respiratory health.​

  • Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula): Symbolizes protection and strength; used in rituals to capture negative energies and transform them into positive forces.​

  • Vetch (Vicia sativa): Associated with fidelity and protection; used to strengthen commitments and safeguard relationships.​

  • Vervain Hastata (Verbena hastata): Symbolizes healing and protection; used in rituals to promote health and shield against negative influences.​

  • Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica): Associated with luck and protection; used to attract good fortune and safeguard against harm.​

  • Vinca (Vinca minor): Symbolizes protection and immortality; used to ward off evil spirits and promote everlasting life.​

  • Velvet Bean (Mucuna pruriens): Associated with prosperity and luck; used to attract wealth and enhance gambling success.​

  • Valerianella (Valerianella locusta): Symbolizes peace and tranquility; used to calm the mind and promote relaxation.​

  • Vervain Hyssop (Verbena hastata): Associated with purification and healing; used to cleanse spaces and promote physical well-being.​

  • Venus Looking Glass (Triodanis perfoliata): Symbolizes clarity and insight; used to enhance vision and understanding.​

  • Violet Wood Sorrel (Oxalis violacea): Associated with joy and prosperity; used to uplift spirits and attract abundance.​

  • Virginia Snakeroot (Aristolochia serpentaria): Symbolizes protection and healing; used to ward off snakes and treat venomous bites.​

  • Vervain Verbena (Verbena bonariensis): Associated with communication and creativity; used to enhance expression and artistic abilities.​

  • Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare): Symbolizes protection and healing; used to treat snake bites and safeguard against harm.​

  • Vervain Sage (Salvia verbenaca): Associated with wisdom and protection; used to enhance knowledge and shield against negative energies.​

  • Virginia Pepperweed (Lepidium virginicum): Symbolizes purification and protection; used to cleanse spaces and ward off evil.​

  • Vervain Lily (Herbertia lahue): Associated with love and beauty; used to attract romance and enhance attractiveness.​

  • Violet Cress (Ionopsidium acaule): Symbolizes humility and protection; used to promote modesty and safeguard against pride.​

  • Virginia Knotweed (Polygonum virginianum): Associated with protection and resilience; used to overcome obstacles and safeguard against harm.​

  • Vervain Verbena (Glandularia canadensis): Symbolizes healing and protection; used to promote health and shield against negative influences.




  • Walnut (Juglans regia): Associated with health, mental powers, and infertility; used in rituals to enhance intellect, promote health, and address fertility issues. ​

  • Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus): Known for hex-breaking, courage, and success; utilized to break curses, bolster bravery, and achieve success. 

  • Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa): Used for protection; believed to safeguard against negative energies. ​

  • Wheat (Triticum spp.): Symbolizes fertility and money; employed in rituals to attract abundance and financial prosperity. ​

  • White Sage (Salvia apiana): Associated with purification and protection; commonly used in smudging rituals to cleanse spaces and repel negativity.​

  • White Willow (Salix alba): Symbolizes love, divination, protection, and healing; utilized to enhance psychic abilities and promote emotional healing. 

  • Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa): Known for its association with prosperity and success; used to attract wealth and achieve goals.​

  • Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense): Associated with love and lust; used in love spells and to enhance sensuality.​

  • Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa): Symbolizes divination and sleep; used to induce prophetic dreams and promote restful sleep.​

  • Wild Rose (Rosa acicularis): Associated with love and healing; used to attract affection and promote emotional well-being.​

  • Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa): Known for its association with fertility and hormonal balance; used to promote reproductive health.​

  • Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens): Used for protection, healing, and hex-breaking; believed to safeguard against harm and promote recovery. ​

  • Witch Grass (Panicum capillare): Associated with happiness, lust, love, and exorcism; used to attract joy, enhance passion, and dispel negative entities. ​

  • Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana): Symbolizes protection and chastity; used to safeguard against negativity and promote purity. ​

  • Witch's Broom (Cytisus scoparius): Associated with purification and protection; used to cleanse spaces and ward off evil spirits.​

  • Wolf's Bane (Aconitum napellus): Known for protection and invisibility; used to guard against harm and render oneself unseen. ​

  • Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis): Symbolizes protection and purification; used to cleanse spaces and protect against negative energies.​

  • Wood Rose (Merremia tuberosa): Associated with luck; used to attract good fortune. ​

  • Woodruff (Galium odoratum): Known for victory, protection, and money; used to ensure success, safeguard against harm, and attract wealth. ​

  • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium): Associated with psychic powers, protection, love, and calling spirits; used to enhance intuition, safeguard against negativity, attract love, and communicate with the spiritual realm. ​

  • Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis): Symbolizes wisdom and longevity; used in rituals to promote knowledge and a long life.​

  • Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria): Associated with protection and purification; used to cleanse spaces and protect against negative influences.​

  • Wild Oat (Avena fatua): Known for health and prosperity; used to promote well-being and attract abundance.​

  • Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum): Symbolizes courage and strength; used to bolster bravery and resilience.​

  • Wild Violet (Viola odorata): Associated with love and protection; used to attract romance and safeguard against harm.​

  • Winter Savory (Satureja montana): Known for mental clarity and protection; used to enhance focus and shield against negativity.​

  • Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella): Symbolizes joy and prosperity; used to uplift spirits and attract wealth.​

  • Wormseed (Chenopodium ambrosioides): Associated with protection and exorcism; used to dispel negative entities and safeguard against harm.​

  • Woundwort (Stachys palustris): Known for healing and protection; used to promote recovery and protect against injury.​

  • Wych Elm (Ulmus glabra): Symbolizes intuition and grounding; used to enhance psychic abilities and stabilize energies.​



  • Xanthium (Xanthium strumarium): Commonly known as cocklebur, this herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is associated with dispelling wind and dampness, relieving nasal congestion, and alleviating headaches. ​

  • Xanthoparmelia (Xanthoparmelia scabrosa): Also known as sexy footpath lichen, it has been traditionally used to address sexual dysfunction.

  • Xiang Fu (Cyperus rotundus): Known as nut grass rhizome, this herb is associated with regulating menstruation, relieving pain, and promoting the flow of qi (energy) in traditional Chinese medicine.

  • Xiao Hui Xiang (Foeniculum vulgare): Commonly known as fennel fruit, it is used to warm the kidneys, expel cold, and alleviate pain, particularly in the lower abdomen. ​

  • Xin Yi Hua (Magnolia biondii): Known as magnolia flower, this herb is used to expel wind-cold and alleviate nasal congestion in traditional Chinese medicine. 

  • Xue Jie (Daemonorops draco): Also known as dragon's blood resin, it is associated with invigorating blood, dispersing stasis, and alleviating pain. 

  • Xuan Shen (Scrophularia ningpoensis): Known as Ningpo figwort root, this herb is used to clear heat, cool the blood, and nourish yin in traditional Chinese medicine. 

  • Xiang Ru (Elsholtzia ciliata): Also called aromatic madder, it is used to induce sweating, release the exterior, and transform dampness, especially during summer.

  • Xi Xian Cao (Siegesbeckia orientalis): Known as siegesbeckia, this herb is associated with dispelling wind-dampness, unblocking the channels, and clearing heat. 

  • Xing Ren (Prunus armeniaca): Commonly known as apricot seed or kernel, it is used to stop coughing and calm wheezing in traditional Chinese medicine. ​




  • Yacon Root (Smallanthus sonchifolius): Associated with healing and vitality; used to promote health and endurance.​

  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Symbolizes protection, healing, and love; used to ward off negativity, heal wounds, and attract love. ​

  • Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus): Associated with purification and prosperity; used to cleanse spaces and attract abundance.​

  • Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis): Symbolizes energy and clarity; used to stimulate the mind and enhance focus.​

  • Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata): Associated with love, harmony, and joy; used to attract affection and promote a sense of peace.​

  • Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe): Symbolizes passion and courage; used to enhance libido and boost confidence.​

  • Yucca Root (Yucca spp.): Associated with protection and purification; used to cleanse spaces and ward off negative energies.​

  • Yew (Taxus baccata): Symbolizes transformation and immortality; used in rituals to connect with ancestors and the afterlife. ​

  • Yellow Jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens): Associated with love and attraction; used to inspire desire and enhance beauty.​

  • Yellow Mustard (Sinapis alba): Symbolizes fertility and protection; used to stimulate growth and safeguard against harm.




  • Za'atar (Origanum syriacum): A Levantine herb blend traditionally associated with alertness and mental acuity; often used to enhance cognitive functions and protection. ​

  • Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria): Associated with purification and protection; used to dispel negative energies and purify spaces.​

  • Zerumbet (Zingiber zerumbet): Known for its healing properties; used to promote physical wellness and alleviate pain.​

  • Zhi Mu (Anemarrhena asphodeloides): In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to clear heat and nourish yin; associated with balance and healing.​

  • Zhi Zi (Gardenia jasminoides): Used in traditional practices to clear heat and calm irritability; associated with peace and emotional balance.​

  • Zanthoxylum (Zanthoxylum spp.): Known as prickly ash, associated with stimulation and energy; used to invigorate and protect.​

  • Zeodoary Root (Curcuma zedoaria): Associated with purification and protection; used to cleanse spaces and ward off negativity.​

  • Zostera (Zostera marina): Known as eelgrass, associated with protection and fertility; used in rituals to safeguard and promote growth.​

  • Zygophyllum (Zygophyllum fabago): Associated with resilience and protection; used to overcome obstacles and shield against harm.​



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